Culture education program during the community time at PVCICS
On December 1st, 2023, CAWM hosted the "Community Time" program at Pioneer Valley Chinese Immersion Charter School (PVCICS). We were delighted to see the students enjoy the "柿事如意" art and craft project and the Wushu lessons provided by CAWM. The children successfully completed the project and classes, and we all had a fantastic time together! We extend our gratitude to PVCICS for the opportunity. The school and teachers are doing an excellent job; we were impressed by the students' behavior and their willingness to help each other!
12/1 周五,🐲 麻西华协应邀与🏫 先锋谷中英双语学/PVCICS合作举办❤️社区时间❤️活动。期间,华协的志愿者教授基本🥋 武术知识及动作,并带领学生学习🎨 ‘柿事如意’书法及手工。学生们的表现非常出色,也很开心😊。
❤️ 感谢学校和老师的合作,也感谢志愿者的辛勤付出。作为非营利文化团体,CAWM代表我们当地华人通过文化教育回馈社区,非常开心荣幸。❤️ 希望有更多的朋友加入我们的志愿者行列,一起做更多有意义的活动,为我们麻西家园文化生活增添更多色彩。🌹